How To Private Print
At your Workstation:
- Pull up your document that you need to print.
- Hit File
- Select Print
- Make sure the correct printer is selected (Any Toshiba Copier will work)
- Hit Printer Properties
(Highlighted in yellow on the first screen shot) 
to get the following screen: 
Select the tab that says Normal Print, and change it to Private Print. 
Select the 3 little dots next to what now says Private Print (Highlighted in yellow) 
You will be asked to enter a password. You will need to enter this password once you get to the printer. See Step 4 of the At The Printer Section.
Hit OK once you’ve entered your password, then hit OK again to finish up with the printing preferences window.
Go to the printer.

At The Printer:
Once you’ve arrived at the printer,
Hit the Print button.
Hit the Job Type arrow and select private. Once private is selected, select your username from the list and hit OK
Select your job and hit Print. You should be prompted for the password you set in step 8 of the At Your Workstation section.
Enter the password and hit Print.
Your documents should then print.
All done!