Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for VPN
In order to facilitate a secure remote Virtual Private Network connection (VPN) to the County of Brant network, you will need three things.
- Your computer from work with the Forti Client installed
- A Forti-Token. This is a 6 digit code that is randomized every 30 seconds. It will be provided to you by an App on your phone (instructions below)
- A username and password. (Username will be first initial, last name so for example mine would be mhobin). The password will be given when access to the VPN is requested. This password will be unique from other County accounts.
Step 1. You can verify the installation by locating this icon on your desktop
Or by clicking on the start button and looking in your programs for Forti Client. If this is not installed, please contact the helpdesk. (See image below)

Step 2 You will need to download the FortiToken Mobile app to your smart phone. You can download this app from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play store. The image below shows the Apple App store; however the icon (circled) will look the same in the google play store. Please download the app to your phone. No need to open it yet.

You may receive a strange looking text message that has “Forti token” in it. Do not delete this text as this is your license key. The license key is in all capital letters and will need to be entered in step 2. Please carefully write this code down as the copy/ paste functionality is not available for this.
If you do not have a corporate phone, you will need to use your personal phone for this.
(Detailed images of the following process are below the description)
Once you receive the text message you can open the FortiToken Mobile app and click on Manual entry. The next screen you see will have a box at the top that says “Fortinet Acct” Click on Fortinet and you will be brought to another screen asking for a name and a key Just use “Brant VPN” for name. There will be a spot to enter a key. This is the key that was sent in that strange text message. Please see images below

Write down the key from your text message and enter it in the “Key Field” in the forti token app. All are capital letters and the app automatically capitalizes them Please note that there are no 1 (one) and no 0 (zero) these are both capital I and O (eye and Ohh)

Once you enter the key and click done the app setup is complete and you should see a 6 digit code on the screen. This will be your token and is regenerates every 30 seconds.
That's it! If you have been provided a VPN password, you can now login to the VPN using the FortiClient and FortiToken Mobile code.